
Looks help you understand why you no longer like the old style, what things spoil the impression, which ones are outdated, and which style will be more appropriate for your situation. The service is relevant to those for whom it is important to receive feedback on their image and figure out what things to keep, how to combine them, which ones to get rid of, what to buy in addition.

Wardrobe analysis takes place at your home, where I come by prior arrangement. You will need good lighting, a full-length mirror and time that you are willing to devote to yourself without distractions. It will be great if before my visit you pick up things from dry cleaning, repairs and country houses. What is not your size, is out of order, is absolutely uncomfortable to wear and is simply boring – it is better to remove it from the closet yourself, before my visit. This way we will save time and focus on the main thing.

Fashion helps you understand why you no longer like your old style, what things spoil your impression, which ones are outdated, and which style will be more appropriate for your situation. The service is relevant to those for whom it is important to receive feedback on their image and figure out what things to keep, how to combine them, which ones to get rid of, what to buy in addition.

Wardrobe analysis takes place at your home, where I come by prior arrangement. You will need good lighting, a full-length mirror and time that you are willing to devote to yourself without distractions. It will be great if before my visit you pick up things from dry cleaning, repairs and country houses. What is not your size, is out of order, is absolutely uncomfortable to wear and is simply boring – it is better to remove it from the closet yourself, before my visit. This way we will save time and focus on the main thing.

Interiors help you understand why you no longer like the old style, what things spoil the impression, which ones are outdated, and which style will be more appropriate for your situation. The service is relevant to those for whom it is important to receive feedback on their image and figure out what things to keep, how to combine them, which ones to get rid of, what to buy in addition.

Wardrobe analysis takes place at your home, where I come by prior arrangement. You will need good lighting, a full-length mirror and time that you are willing to devote to yourself without distractions. It will be great if before my visit you pick up things from dry cleaning, repairs and country houses. What is not your size, is out of order, is absolutely uncomfortable to wear and is simply boring – it is better to remove it from the closet yourself, before my visit. This way we will save time and focus on the main thing.

Photo sessions help you understand why you no longer like the old style, what things spoil the impression, which ones are outdated, and which style will be more appropriate for your situation. The service is relevant to those for whom it is important to receive feedback on their image and figure out what things to keep, how to combine them, which ones to get rid of, what to buy in addition.

Wardrobe analysis takes place at your home, where I come by prior arrangement. You will need good lighting, a full-length mirror and time that you are willing to devote to yourself without distractions. It will be great if before my visit you pick up things from dry cleaning, repairs and country houses. What is not your size, is out of order, is absolutely uncomfortable to wear and is simply boring – it is better to remove it from the closet yourself, before my visit. This way we will save time and focus on the main thing.